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Ant Gel Bait 2022 Comparison Chart

Ant Bait Comparison

Wondering which ant baits truly work the best? 

Pest Control Everything has released its Ant Gel Bait Comparison Chart which provides a side-by-side snapshot of how the most popular ant gel bait products on the market stack up to one another. Our findings show that while most gel bait products are labeled for a broad spectrum of ants, some ant species are excluded from certain products. Paying attention to these subtle differences can make all the difference in how much time and money you end up spending on your do-it-yourself ant control project. 

If you're looking to get your hands on just one ant gel bait product that is highly effective against most ants, Advion Ant Gel Bait is probably an ideal choice. Boasting effectiveness against more than 19 different species of common ants, Advion also has a consistency that allows for targeted applications with limited dripping or running that is far-too common amongst some other products. For a product that has the highest likelihood of working in the highest number of circumstances with the least amount of required thought, Advion may be the way to go. That's also why Advion comes in at #1 on Professor Pest's list of Top 5 Ant Gel Baits of 2022

Although ant gel baits are an excellent treatment option for many species of ants in many situations, they many not be the ideal treatment choice under all sets of circumstances. In most cases, mound-building ants such as the Red Imported Fire Ant will respond far more favorably to a granular bait application than a gel bait application. For optimal fire ant control, a product such as Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait might be a better option. Similarly, Big-Headed Ants are much more likely to feed aggressively on a granular bait product such as Maxforce Complete than any of the gel baits, even though several of the gel baits are appropriately labeled. 

Ant Gel Bait Comparison 2019

Effective ant control is usually a function of a multi-faceted treatment approach that can often include gel baiting as one part of the strategy. Consider using gel baits in combination with ant bait granules and/or non-repellent insecticides for lasting results, as well as keeping a keen eye on minimizing environmental conditions around your property that might lend themselves to further ant advancement and intrusion.

Still have questions about ant baits and active ingredients? Professor Pest's Live Online Chat provides free real-time support to help you make well-informed decision regarding your pest control efforts. 

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